You could be walking down the boulevard alone when you may stumble upon a little green rabbit that asks you to follow him, and you could inquire yourself, ‘should I tag along?’ You have the choice of yes or no, yet the choice is so hard to make, because you try to figure out if you’ll benefit in the end which way- but does it really matter? Is it really about you, or is it about the rabbit- or is it about the color of the rabbit, the reason for why he speaks, or just the reaping that may come? You could decide to follow, and he may take you on a long journey, with no clues about where he may be taking you- or why, yet you follow just holding on to hope with a tight grip; the hope of benefiting from the journey. But why would you hope for this- did the green rabbit tell you that you would benefit? What made you think you would? Have you met a green rabbit before? Or was he red…?
What if you didn’t follow?
--Lucius McCall
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