2008...I really didn't care much about the year ending, er- beginning. I didn't think twice about it- I didn't even think about any resolutions. I really didn't care...until I kept hearing everywhere that 2008 would be a great year, a year full of positivity and blah blah...then I started to think.
New Year.
New, meaning 'coming or occuring afresh', meant there was a new YEAR. A whole new set of 356 days to do whatever you want with. To better yourself, worsen yourself, or end yourself. 356 days may not seem like alot to some people, but it is. Thinking about this in the shower (my special thinking place), thoughts started to pour out onto each other. Check it out…it may help you out with some of your resolutions.
New Year.
I'm going to forget and forgive everything I did in the previous year- and there was ALOT done that I regret. Everything I did before will be erased from my mind, but the lessons that came with it will remain. I refuse to dwell on the past, because the only time I want to look back is through my rearview- to make sure nothing is going wrong. The reson you have a rearview mirror in the car, and get upset when its not set right or covered, is because you don't want to risk getting into an accident. So forget about the cars behind me/ you, and focus on your/ my destination- YET pay attention and make sure no accidents can occur. Don’t worry about those cars unless you assume they may cause an accident.
Of course if I erase everything that I did that I regret and think wasn't good for myself, I'll have to erase yours as well :-). So if you've done me wrong or made me mad, forget about it. If we've had beef, or I didn't like you, forget about it. If you cheated on me, lied to me, tried to play me, forget about it. Spit in my face? Forget about it. BUT, don't jump the gun- the lessons learned will remain. Fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, I must be a dumbass. I refuse to be one of those.
I resolve not to get mad, or bothered over anything that won't make me mad, or have me bothered in one year. What I do now, can affect where I am in a year, so why even bother? You try me like a sample, and I’ll just brush you under the couch. Don’t bring ana my way…please. I want to remain smiling, so if you want to play around, you’ll just end up playing yourself. Pardon my back.
I resolve to stop cursing. I'm a writer, and my vocabulary is way too broad to use cursewords to get my point accross. I agree, sometimes you may have to do this to get a reaction, but unless I NEED that reaction, forget about cursing for no reason. It's unattractive.
I resolve to not make fun of people. You NEVER know their story. Ever. I saw some guys buying these hideous coats at my job (the same coats that me and my shorty were clowning the day before), and as I was about to text her a joke about it, I stopped. I don’t know their story. It’s cold outside, and these jackets may be the only ones they can afford. Why sould I make fun of them? People do that to constantly tell themseves that they’re better. I refuse to join those people.
I resolve to continue to not judge somebody. People say I’m a great listener and I help when talked to, because they don’t feel judged. People make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make who you are. As long as you learn from them…
I resolve to go the extra mile. I hate crowds, and up there, it's never crowded.
I resolve to build up my character to its best.
I resolve to stop thinking so much…lol. WHAT?! Lucius wil stop thinking?! Haha…yeah…thinking too much will get you in touble, and worrying does NOTHING. Think about it. When you sit around and worry and ponder and think…what do you accomplish? Nothing. Sometimes you have to just believe what you see, and not try to find a reason behind it. Doing that caused me to lose a loved possesion a while ago…something I’d been longing for my whole life, or ever since I started to like girls. Lol. Just pay attention. Keep one eye open like CBS!
I resolve to finish the stories I write in the BEST timing. Sometimes I take years to finish a ten page short story. Other things get my attention, and my priorities get screwed up. My work is my heart- the only thing I’m confident- or cocky- about. It’s time to git er doneeee!
I resolve to prioritize to the amount of importance.
I resolve to not take things for granted. Kanye once said that sometimes the only time people get flowers is when they can’t smell em. Don’t leave anyone on a bad note. Get over your angers with loved ones. Most of the time it’s NOT that serious. Stop rushuing through life, making things for you to do. Sometimes you have to get wake up, take a deep breath, and slow down. If you were hardly home to spend time with your fam due to various things over Christmas break, wouldn’t you be heartbroken if something bad were to happen? Would you think the things that kept you busy were worth it when you looked back?
I resolve to not live my life for a green piece of paper, but for myself and God.
I resolve to smile. It just makes you feel good inside, if you're a man, you know you don't need to look hard and firm all the time. There are times you can smile. You never know who's falling in love with your smile. It may brighten up somebody's day! A smile can change your life forever
I resolve to not think my life is the worst when it can get MUCH worse. I'm blessed. I MAY have low iron, but I'm still breating, walking around, and all my limbs work. I still have money (somewhat), and I’m still in school. Screw complaining about classes when there’re grown people out here with a 3rd grade education and can’t do anything about it.
Thoughts for the NEW YEAR...
Over Christmas break, I received a few 'booty calls'- girls all of a sudden wanting me to come over to their place, or meet me somewhere to 'get to know each other'.
Some guys would LOVE that. Sex with noi relationship or strings attatched? Not me. Shit, call me a girly man- that's just no tmy stillo.
I'm not trying to boost myself up, or anything, I'm just trying to display my thoughts, and hope some people get the picture.
There are TOO many diseases going around to just be bonding with any old thing- no disrespect to anyone.
Plus, Mommy raised her son right. I respect women, and I'd love it if you respected yourself. If you don't, I can't even get TURNED ON by you. word to me.
I need to get to know you inside and out, before I get to KNOW YOU inside and out- you dig?
I din't understand why certain men get a kick out of messing with some guy's girl. You don't know they guy, and he may be crazy in the head, or 'crazy in love'. Why would you do that to him, not knowing what he'll do to you? I honestly don't think it's worth it. Get your own girl, guys...flirting isn't worth what the consequences may be. ‘If you mess with my girl, I’ma be the one to bring it to ya’. Now if she’s messing with you, be a man and inform the man. Why do you want her? She cheat with you, she’ll cheat on you. Period. Same goes for men.
I was also thinking about a poem I wrote a while ago, 'Diamond'. It was about a girl who was disrespected and treated like glass when she deserved to be treated like a diamond. Then I realized that some 'diamonds' in the world changed due to certain circumstances...I just wanted to let you all know that a diamond doesn't stop being a diamond due to certain circumstances. It's actually the time, and pressure put on it that MAKES it a diamond. A diamond is the hardest thing on earth. It won't scratch, conform, or crack under pressure. it may go through alot, but in the end, it'll ALWAYS remain itself- a diamond.
A real diamond won't change, but after time, and uncareful treatment, a cubic zirconia will start to show its true self.
So change for the better, learn from your mistakes, or don't let anyone treat you for less than your worth. JUST DON'T change for the worse.
Once again I was in the shower, and I thought ‘If rims make the car, a brand makes the cost, and pockets make the pants- what makes a MAN?’ I asked around and only got ONE good answer. I belive the answer is CHARACTER, not swag. Swag is what little boys have that attracts little girls. A character is much more than that. It defines who you are, which defines what you do and how you do it. Character makes a man, not his dick, or his tongue, or his body, or money, or whatever else I heard. Lol. Let’s get it together people.
To many people, money is precious, therefore they try not to waste it on things they don’t need, or things that aren’t EXACTLY what they want. Your heart is precious to you, as well as your love, patience, faithfulness, and care- some of many things that if you give out, you can’t get back. Why would you waste these things on someone you don’t NEED, or someone who isn’t exactly what you want? All of these things are more precious than money could ever be, so why would you use it towards a person you feel doesn’t even need you? A person who’ll take you for granted, or constantly lie to you…etc? Why would you use it on someone who isn’t exactly what you want?
Think about it…
These are just some personal thoughts and resolutions for the NEW Year…If you got this far, I hope you enjoyed it.
Remember, if he brought you TO it, he’ll bring you THROUGH it. God bless.
Peace and Blessings
Lucius McCall
1 comment:
Lucius, i really dig this. and on many levels I can relate.
2007 has been the absolute MOST CHAOTIC year for me. I've been through more ish than anyone including myself can even fathom. i've been down.... i've been down a different road. i've been out.... i've been out of control. i've been up... higher than i've ever been (literally) and i've been in.... nearly insane. never in my naive little mind could i have imagined the hardships o7 would bring. still, as i type this to you, i'm going through things i thought i was invincible to. obviously not, lol.. New Years resolutions? just a bunch of people talking about "New year New me." i'm gonna start working out. im going to do this, im going to do that... and it only lasts til february. so when it came time to think up a resolution, i was hesitant. i didnt want to say i was going to chang just because it was a new year. but i wanted to change because in the midst of all my trials and get-me-downs, i'm still breathing and i am still able to smile. i'm making life resolutions. my main resolution right now is to create and maintain a healthy and harmonious equilibrium between my mind, my body and my soul. and in doing this, everything else will come. healthy eating, a greater connection with God, peace of mind, peace within me,character building, peace with others and finding me. i wish you nothing but the best...not just for the year but as long as you roam this earth. peace and uncomprehensible blessings.
x crazybeautiful
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