It’s thick on my palms- I’m just trying to spread it
Pride tries to dilute it, yet I won’t let it
Hate tries to dilute it, yet I won’t let it
Instead I add patience and humbleness, so I can stretch it
I have a lot on my mind, it’s clogging my vents
Slowing me down, blocking happiness like a fence
So I tear it down, clean it out- make the word stress a past tense
Can you hear me now? Forget a mike- I have my mind set
I’m writing this, because some of you need to get your mind checked
As I do too, I won’t EVER claim I’m innocent
As do you- nothing but ego as your incentive
...until we're all without sin, let's stay off the pulpit...
To be honest, holding on to friends is getting real tiring
I’m a friend all the time, not only when I feel like it
They’re friends when it’s convenient, when they have time for it
I hear the whispers behind my back, I just try to ignore it
But among this, there are other things that I find sad
One of the saddest is my sisters allowing themselves to be changed by man
From a beautiful princess to a female dog,
And then you turn around and claim to be strong?
Come on, ladies- keep your head up, don’t let him change you
Change is cool, but if he’s acting up, ma- just change dude!
They’re many men out there that’ll treat you how you want to be treated
You need what you deserve, and deserve what you need
Don’t settle, wait until you feel you can reach the top shelf
And if YOU change, YOU can only blame YOURself.
Stay a queen, don't dare change- let him see what he missed
cuz you'll be getting down to his dog level if you turn into a "bitch"
I apologize for the men out here sexing girls without even taking names
Cause’ to them, “pussy is pussy- it don’t even got a face”
So focused on that one aim, they don’t even see your traits
That’s why it’s so easy for you to be replaced…
My sisters, be ladies, stay fresh- preserve yourself
Think smart, don’t hurt yourself…
Don’t eat the stale fruit he feeds you, or fall for his lies
Open your eyes, LOOK- don’t be blind
Make him work and wait for the pie
If he’s comfortable with giving you time
Then you know he truly wants you for your mind
Save your slices- share only with those who deserve a bite
So he’ll love you all and every day- not just on those nights
When pie’s in the oven too much, it does burn
This is a lesson that you don’t want to learn...
Keep your mouth closed, my people- let your eyes listen
Take a look- examine characteristics
See their true being, not the person they make-up
Because half these people are just personalities people gave them
Hold on…wait.
Read carefully…
See their true being, not the person they make up
Because half of these people are JUST the personalities people gave them
Check them out, not who they make themselves out to be
There must be a GAS station giving swag out for free!
No more surface scratching, I’m going DEEP on my search for beauty
Cause’ a person’s grandeur may only be skin deep...
See, at the start she or he will seem perfect
But give them some time, their core will surface
In the beginning you just see the foundation, the make-up that they wear
Apply some pressure, and immediately see the make-up get smeared
When push comes to shove, people’s masks tear off
Make-up...it's there, but eventually it does wear off
I said this make-up…it’s there…but it does wear off...
So I don’t applaud, or award these people and their magnificent acting
Because once the Revlon's gone, it’ll expose their acne
Be yourself, don’t dare place YOU to the side
******Imitation is suicide******
And something else, it’s okay if she’s with someone else
Losing me is fine- as long as she finds herself
I won’t be bitter, I won’t diss her, I want nothing but her best interest
I can’t change the fact that love makes you senseless
And I can't get mad when I see HER with a brand new man
Because at the end of the day, I just want HER happiness in the end
I just wanted HER pleased, and if she couldn't be
with me, but he......?
Then I'm pleased
And I can honestly say that I’m not in college for me
I’m here so when I leave, my mom would need for nothing but sleep
Cause she’ll have the Geoffrey, the cars, the house on the beach
-reciprocation for all the sacrifices she endured for me
I laid off pride, now I’m employing humility
And since I brought you some love, I’ll leave you with

"You're not supposed to explain to your reader what they're supposed to get from your poem."-- Prof. Marty (Creative Writing)
--Lucius McCall
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