Talking to my older brother today, we got on some subjects like our exes and what went wrong... He told me that his ex lost respect for him because he made her his happiness.
He formed her into his only source of happiness...
I truly could relate.
He said he made her his world.
I told him that doing that was normal, and that it should be done. Some women would love that, yet most would take advantage.
Continuing our conversation, I said something that sparked in my mind, and I felt I should share it with you:
"If a woman/man knows you'll stay no matter what she/he does, she/he's gonna do what she/he does- no matter what."
Reality. A person only treats you how you allow them to treat you- nothing past that.
So if you keep letting things slide over and over and over without realizing that the offenses are getting greater...
It's like a bully.
A bully starts with a joke, and sees how you take it.
If you laugh it off, he goes on with a poke.
If you laugh it off, a push.
More laughter, a punch.
And the whole while, you can't tell the difference between a joke and a punch, because before your eyes, that bully has been creeping up the bar and peeping your reaction.
It's called the advantage.
Pretty soon the punches and kicks start to hurt and long after that is when you realize that you're getting hurt, and you think this started suddenly, but in actuality it's been going on for a while. You just didn't catch it at the joke.
Like in a relationship, you didn't catch it at the disrespect that you laughed off because you figured she/he was 'just playing'
Don't let anyone bully your heart.
Peace & Blessings
i always love ur life metaphors....its interesting to hear how u view things...
i really like this. i think ive been gettin bullied for a minute and i dont like it...so i will pay attention to your blogs because you seem to have very intelligent and creative thoughts =)
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