I mean, sometimes you may just need a bite- or two, of that muffin to make you forget about some things...
Don't get me wrong, I never BUY muffins, nor do I eat them all the time...but sometimes you need em.
anyway, to our feature presentation...
Love is like quicksand...seriously.
When you fall into that, there's no getting out! Just like quicksand...
You may try, and try, but there's no getting out...you just sink deeper, and deeper............
Well, lucky me- I was pulled out of the 'love-quicksand' rapidly- by REALITY.
And now I'm free!
Love...it's like jail.

When you fall in love, you lose your mind...just like when you spend time in jail. You make irraritonal decisions...and don't use logic to think. Someone you love can lie to you OVER and OVER and OVER, and you just forget, and forget, and forget...lol. It makes you crazy.
When you're in love, you lose your grasp of what's really important, and what's not. Like friends, who've been there for yearssssssss. Family who never lets you down, nor WILL never let you down....They get tossed to the side for a girl/boy you've known for 6 months that you may 'love'. The person you love must always come first...must always remain happy.
I tried to keep her happy...gave her all of me.
hmmmm....let's see...picnics on the front lawn of our University, Cd full of songs dedicated to her- picked especially for her, her favorite artist (at the time)'s album, rides to places she needed to go when we were in town, took her to see her favorite movie- after I saw it already, ATE THAT SHIT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIFE(not literal 'shit', but you dig), brought her to have thanksgiving dinner with my fam, when she had no one to eat with, when her pops was calling her a stupid bitch and slapping her around and she had nowhere to escape, I came to the rescue in the Black Pearl- my black horse, and took her from the man who had no respect for her- AND made sure she had a place to crash until things cooled down, um...when she went home for thanksgiving and was supposed to stay with her best friend cuz her parents didn't care what happened to her over break- they were outta town, I helped her get in and out of her house, took her to get things to eat, made sure she was entertained, took her to her job..., got her a stuffed puppy with the last of my loot before Christmas, helped her with a job application that she didn't know how to fill out, supported her EVERY move (which loses me, because the reason she doesn't wanna be with me is because she'll 'lose her focus'. My roomate asked if i really believed that shit. I said no...haha), deaded the rumors going around about her because she was just letting it slide with a damn smile on her face, respected her when no one else did, respected her when she didn't respect herself, loved her when she didn't love herself, BENT OVER BACKWARDS TO SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL SMILE (seriously, her smile makes me melt to this day...I lived to see her do it. It's like Medusa, one look and you turn to stone), stuck around after she was treating me like her damn love sick puppy- like there was no place else to go...just to name a few things...haha. That aint even the half...
Its funny how easily people forget...
Like jail, you can serve love...but love won't serve you.
I was in love. Don't know what the hell she was in, cuz it sure wasn't that. lol
She wasn't imprisoned like I was.
I couldn't function without having her...If she wasn't happy, I wasn't happy. If she wanted something, or I even THOUGHT she wasnted something- she had it. No matter what.
I was on lock down. Not gonna lie...not gonna bash...just gonna show real facts like TRU TV.
It was like jail.
My mother told me she realized that me and my best friend loved to be treated like shit. lol. I laughed at her...said nothing else, because that's what she could see- as well as the rest of the world. I used to tell her she doesn't know everything...
But she does...she truly always knows.
Like when the girl first met my mother and my mother said she seemed like a.........
We not gonna get into that.
I aint callin no names- if the heel fits- wear it.
I mean...dealing with the Earth, you can't be used to something like me. You saw how people reacted to aliens and UFOs...
some people aren't ready for that type of thing, so they don't know how to handle it. So they mishandle it... as she did.
Yo Cupid! I respect what you're doing, but you have to learn to shoot better! Tired of the scars from falling in love! I need a girl to catch me when I stumble!
"Show me how to move, that's why I never trip..."- a line from our song.
hahahahahaha- please.
Shorty feeling herself...she done found her swag. amazing how much I had to do with who she is now...
even the bad :-(
I find it so sad how people can just change- for the WORSE. She used to be perfect...a damn angel. I wanted us to run to the sun, and bask in its glorious heat...
and if she aint wanna run, I'd bring it down to her.
Well, as of 5:37 pm, Lucius has been released once again from the bars of love, and is ready to see what else is out there. It's just like leaving jail- all these thoughts swarm your head, and you don't know what to do first! You're just GLAD you're out- IF you were put there for the wrong reasons, like I. My first stop is the Chinese store. I'm craving some wings and fried rice!
Don't get me wrong...I'll always remember jail, er- love. There were good times, there were bad...more of the latter towards the end- but the experience was for learning, as much experiences are. I'll never forget the time I spent- the time I can never get back, so I can't just erase it from my mind. I have to accept it, and move on and learn from my mistakes. The mistakes that I keep making over and over and over again...
What I do is the definition of insanity, so I guess I'm pretty crazy...
but hey, that's what love does to ya.
"The mistake i made is clear (we never shoulda been together)
Thats the reason youre not here (I know that I can do much better)
Not a single salty tear...
Not a feeling in my chest...
Baby im feeling no stress...
Im too fly to be depressed"
Go on girl...Go on girl...haha...That's my new anthem. Remix already in progess...
I wish her the best of luck, though...word. No bad blood there, no hate...just peace and love...LMflyAO.
I'll just listen to my NeYo, and Lou Rawls...
Peace & Blessings
Lucius McCall
P.S. Evolution of a Relationship. Coming soon. Don't miss it!