The freedom you feel.
I love driving, which is why the day I got home, I jumped in my car, rolled down all the windows- even though it was FREEZING- and took a drive around. The cold air hit my face and swirled around the car as if I had my A/C on high. My hands were numb, but I really couldn't care less. It was great.
Driving is beautiful, and my car is as well, but...
I've always wanted a convertible...ALWAYS.
I wanted to at least ride in one before I died...
My first time was my freshman year in college.
I thought it was such a big deal, beacuse I feel that EVERYBODY doesn't ride in one in their lifetime...so it's like a privelege..lol. Some people will have something blocking them from the sky for their whole lives...
I'm weird, I know.
I also drove one of my friend's the other day...she needed a DD, and I didn't hesitate to help her out- especially when I heard her roof could be dismissed. I felt so good driving it...looking up at the sky...
Then I started to think of all the great things I could do with a convertible...
Like pick my lady up, and drive her to a field...
lower our seats all the way back...and look at the stars as we enjoy each other's company.
You know if you park in a parking lot, or go for a walk, there'll be things in the way blocking the stars...
But if you just drove to a field...and parked...let the top down and leaned back...
I'll add that to my dream list...lol.
Peace & Blessings
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