We're gonna deter away from that for a lil bit...haha.
Let's take a peek at the world.
First off...gas prices.
What in the WORLD?
I go to get gas, and they're asking me for $3.15- a gallon!
Whyyyyyy? Why must it be like $70 to fill up my tank, hmm?
I hear that foreclosures are at an all time high now, due to a mess up in loans, and things of the sort...
My mother says it's due to us still being in the war- it's ruining the economy.
May I ask why we're still overseas?
I mean, I support the troops, but I DO NOT support the war. Bring our troops home, damnit!
Bush refuses to pull us out, and everything is looking bad! Everything...
And this McCain guy, who's running to be the next repub pres (by the way, if he gets in, I'm packing up and leavvviiinnnggggg) says that he refuses to pull the troops if he gets into office. He says he's going to wait until the war is won, even if it takes 100 years- quote, unquote. He says he doesn't want people to look at America and say we backed down...wow. Just like a republican.
okay, so the innocent dying everyday for NO reason,
gas prices being disgusting,
the economy looking terrible, etc. is not enough to get us out, huh?
we're using TRILLIONS of dollas to fight this stupid, useless war. We can really put all that money towards something else that will change the world- for the better.
We have no more money for the war, so we're borrowing loot from China...
and we're allowing them to import things to us for free as collateral...
Therefore, they're sending over lead laced toys for our babies to play with, and dog food that makes our dogs sick...
real rap. Is it really worth it?
They say we're over there now to help them out with their government.
um...can we worry about US (get it?) for now? lol. we have TOO many problems over here to be trying to solve another countries'.
Wow, do I have a disdain for the typical republican...
like one of my damn roomates. ugh.
Isn't it said that the bigger man is the one who knows when to walk away- and does it?
Speaking of humility, Hillary is REALLY doing her witchcraft to try and win...but Obama is being really humble about it.
I had respect for her...but she's trying so hard to disrespect my man, O!
Basically...she's saying...in the middle of the night, who do you trust? This white woman, or this black man? hmmm?
What experience does she have regarding foreign policy??
they actually asked her that, and we just heard crickets...
her campaign is based on "I have the experience, he doesn't."
Obama's basically is "Even though you have the experience, at the end of the day you need to make the right choices!"
Clinton was running out of money, so she pulled 5 mill from her anus and gave it to her campaign to help out.
The question is...where did she get this 5 mill from? Tax returns were requested, and she refused to hand them over...gave excuse after excuse...
Hillary is spreading lies...and doing everything she can to win. Her and her husband are playing dirty...
I won't explain, because it'll take pages. Just know...they're not being fair.
Obama's advisor, Samantha Power, called Hilary a monster...haha.
"She is stooping to anything!"
call it what it is, baby!
Hill's even trying to help out McCain...anybody but O, huh? Saying she knows what she's doing and has what's needed to back it up, McCain has the same, and Obama "just has the same old sppech from years ago."
Obama says he's not going to allow himself to be pulled into a knife fight. That's what I call a real man (no homo). Pardon his back.
They ignore Hillary's Whitewater scandal, but they get on Obama because he smoked a lil weed when he was a teen? Come onnnn!
That's why he's so deep...haha. jk. I don't support that, but it's his past. leave it there.
Don't let the witch trick you! Vote obama 08!
Not for black power,
Not for white power,
Just the power of love;
The power of change.
We can do it.
I woke up today in Atlanta, and it was snowing- in March!
What in the WORLD?
The world is coming to an end...you better pray. lol.
Peace & Blessings
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