I will never understand.
Fellas...take a look at the lovely lady above.
Check the legs...lips...hair...stomach...chest.
Take a good look at her. Women, too. Peep her beauty.
Now, after you're done looking (fellas, you can start reading now...take your eyes OFF the pic...lol), tell me why...WHY a gorgeous (understatement) woman like that would want to be with...with...

You don't know? I don't know either. How do I know she'd prefer a goon?
Well, in a recent interview with KING magazine, a famous men's mag, she states the following:
So you want a man who’s both honest and thug?
An authentic gangsta—that deletes about half the rap game off your list. I love guys who are street. I won’t even give soft guys a chance. Menace II Society is my shit! Caine was like my first crush. Actually, O-Dog was my true dream guy. I was in love with him, from that opening scene where he pops the convenience-store worker. He had me from that gunshot [laughs]. He was ’hood, and I loved that.
So dudes without rap sheets need not apply?
I can tell immediately how lame you are. For me, too soft is, after I give you my number, you call every day. “I want to take you to dinner. You’re the future!” Dude, you don’t even know me. You’ve known me for two weeks and you love me? I don’t get that. That kind of rush job might freak me out at 21. I’m not ready for marriage!
Hollon! *Jamaican accent*
So if I call a lady I'm interested in everyday, I'm considered lame? I usually do that because I want to talk to you...I wasn't aware that this was a crime. I wasn't aware that I should just ask you for your number to have it in my phone...to take up space.
If I want to take you to dinner, I'm a dude looking for marriage? It couldn't be that I want to get to know you on a more personal level, and treat you at the same time...right?
Don't get me wrong, I know ALL women don't think like this- every woman out here doesn't have the mentality of Lauren London. But the scary thing is, ALOT do.
Every where I turn around, I see it. In the club, at parties, at work, on the block...

Women seem to gravitate towards the bad boy, while the nice guy sits on the sideline waiting patiently for some play.
What makes it even worse is- the world just eggs it on! From movies, to books, to manuals!
What theeee f*******k??
I was speaking to an ex of mine the other day, and we had a nice, long convo- about her and her man dilemmas. She said that she wanted to settle down, he didn't want a girlfriend. She's still a virgin- holding it until marriage, and he goes out and has sex with multiple women. She doesn't drink, he drinks all the time. She doesn't- and would never smoke, and he smokes weed all the time. After telling me all of this, I'm expecting to hear her say that she's going to move on, but she has the nerve to tell me that she's in love with him.
I threw my hands in the air and thought 'So THIS is why we broke up! Because you want a Bad Jon!'
I couldn't understand it then, and I won't understand it now- unless it's explained to me- BY A WOMAN.
I've noticed that women like a chase...because the women I'm not interested in seem to never let go, no matter how many hints I give, or pictures I paint- yet the one I'm interested in seems to forever be on the run. I can never get her, but the ones I don't want are sitting outside...patiently waiting...for nothing.
How many times do I have to hear "he's cute, he's sweet, he's the perfect gentlemen...he's just not for me."
How many times do I have to hear a woman complain about these "bad men", talk about how she's looking for Prince Charming, then see her pursue the complete opposite?
How many times do I have to see women melt under the glare of a complete asshole?
I admit, I went through a phase before I manned up. I was that asshole. I was that douche-bag. And I had women.
Now that I try to be Prince Charming, I sit at home alone watching America's Most Daring Police Chases.
Go ahead...you can either laugh, or shake your head in pity.
I remember after a girl slipped her number in my phone, I texted her that night to
1. make sure she got home safely
2. give her my number
After that night, I never heard from her again.
But I'm almost positive that if I called her 3 days later, we would be dating!
I asked a female friend on advice about women, she told me to act like I don't want them.
What the hell??
I thought it was supposed to be the opposite?
I just want to ask the women, and maybe some men that may know the powerful secret, what is it about this bad boy persona that attracts you like a moth to alight?You go, and get stung, bounce away, then flutter back to get stung again.
What do women want?
What's a goon to a gentleman?
Peace & Blessings
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