I love how he handled this! Mature! Made the reporter look so stupid!
"You're a jerk!"
I hope you got a laugh
Peace & Blessings
Monday, March 31, 2008
LMAO! You're a jerk!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Green Bunny- A Prose Poem

You could be walking down the boulevard alone when you may stumble upon a little green rabbit that asks you to follow him, and you could inquire yourself, ‘should I tag along?’ You have the choice of yes or no, yet the choice is so hard to make, because you try to figure out if you’ll benefit in the end which way- but does it really matter? Is it really about you, or is it about the rabbit- or is it about the color of the rabbit, the reason for why he speaks, or just the reaping that may come? You could decide to follow, and he may take you on a long journey, with no clues about where he may be taking you- or why, yet you follow just holding on to hope with a tight grip; the hope of benefiting from the journey. But why would you hope for this- did the green rabbit tell you that you would benefit? What made you think you would? Have you met a green rabbit before? Or was he red…?
What if you didn’t follow?
--Lucius McCall
So I did- I'm no longer squinting, I'm looking right at my light
Peace & Blessings

It's 7:10 am...
Do you know what Lucius is doing...?
He got up at 6...
And he's sitting in front of a computer...
Guess yet?
It's registration time, and if you're a college student, you understand exactly where I'm coming from.
For some reason, registration this time around was at 7am, when it used to be at 9...
You can only ask God why.
So I get up early...drag myself out of bed...and head to the library- half a mile away.
I finally reach the library, and I see one of my good friends, Mr. Rich, along with dozens of other people waiting to start registering. I link up with Rich, and take a look around.
The Internet Cafe is open, and that's completely full with a waiting line.
I was planning on going to the second floor, maybe even the third, but to my surprise- a gate is pulled down to block it's way!
At the time, it's 6:55...
I needed to get to a computer- in five minutes- five minutes ago.
Rich starts to look around, and like the army man he seems to be, he spots an opening that can get us upstairs...
A rope used to prevent people from going into the library, and an elevator beyond that.
He started to go under the rope.
I laughed and told him to stop- I know how the librarians are. They're Nazis, I guess police academy rejects! If they caught him trying to sneak into the closed off area of the library, they'd probably have his head...
He looked around, and did it anyway. I told him that if he gets through, I'm with him.
Well what do you know? He gets by.
I sneak under the rope as well.
He pressed the button for the elevator, backs up, and remains hidden behind a wall like a CIA agent. He says the elevator will make noise, so we can't be near it.
I doubted the librarians would be paying attention, but I followed the orders.
First floor- going up, said the elevator...
smart move.
So we waddle to the elevator and try not to make too much noise, because we're at the point of no return, and also at the point of if caught...who knows what the protector of books would do to us!

Calvin couldn't have said it any better...
But anyway, we get in the elevator, and get to the second floor, where there is an area of ALL computers. It's where students go to do their 'computer stuff'...The floor where you DON'T go if you want to get work done.
The computers just call you...they whisper your name if you manage to walk past them and sit at a desk...
They call you...with a soothing voice...until you finally decide, hey...maybe if I get on the computer for a LITTLE bit, it won't hurt...I need to take a break between studying anyway- when you haven't even STARTED studying!
I know it's not just me...lol.
Anyway, Rich is about to exit the elevator, but I pull him back in and tell him not to. The librarian that we were dodging has a straight view of the second floor, and as soon as she saw us beyond that gate...hmph.
He said I was right, surprising, because when it comes to Rich, he's always right!
I smiled to myself as we headed to the third floor, where there was a computer classroom. I prayed that it was open, because unlike the second floor where the computers are available in mass, the computer classroom had a door- that could be locked.
We get to the third floor, ignore the talking elevator, and sneak up to the classroom.
"I hope it's open." Rich says.
Stole the thought from my mind.
I do the honors, and wallah(sp), the door opens!
"Bingo!" Rich says as we step in and turn on the lights.
It's now 7, and registration has STARTED.
I'm not sweating too much though, because there were dozens of children sitting downstairs waiting for a free computer- those without a laptop, or those who refused to spend the night in the library.
As I logged into the computer, rich was talking alot about bucking the system...and about how if I hang with him, I get free access, and blah...lol. No disrespect, but I was too focused on getting these classes. I was already behind the race.\
I log in, and try to add my first class, and....
System Error. You may register on- tomorrow?!
What the hell?! I wondered. Why??
I went to see if I had any holds- dues to pay the school that hold your access to your transcripts, and prevent you from registering...
Then what was the problem??
{Sigh}...as if I didn't have enough stress on me already.
ooouuusssssaaaaaa! (where are the blue berriesssssssss? LOL- JK! But seriously...)
If you're registering, good luck...I hope you get the classes you need.
As for me...it's in God's hands.
Peace & Blessings
P.S. At the end of the day, the next day I woke up early and didn't have to run to the library, because there was nobody inside the comp lab in my apartment complex...
So I sat there and found the classes I needed at times I wanted!
So everything worked out! :-)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Your caption here...
No air (remix)

"No Air" (remix)
--Jordin Sparks (feat. Chris Brown & GQ)
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air...
Cause loosing you took my breath away like the first time I saw you.
If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air
I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand
But how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
There's no gravity to hold me down for real
But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breath, but I survived
I don't know how, but I don't even care
So how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No more
It's no air, no air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
Thursday, March 27, 2008
And people want to know why I respect Diddy...?
Check this out...
1) He can't rap...he get's paid for it
2) He can't sing...he get's paid for it
3) He can't dance...he get's paid for it
4) He can't act...he get's paid for it
5) His cologne is not that great...he get's paid for it
6) His clothes are NOT that hot- at least I don't wear them, never will...he get's paid for it
7) MOST of his acts DON'T make it...he get's paid for it!
8) Last but not least, he says some stupid made up word on television, and it becomes a phenomenon!!!
And he doesn't stop there- he sells cheap looking plain T-shirts for $30 a pop
- and people are buying it!!
He's about his $$CHI-CHING$$! -- And he get's it!
He gets paid to do what the hell he wants to, and he doesn't care what you, me, she, or he thinks.
Oh yeah, I guess the fact that he dated J.Lo is another reason...but we won't get into that. lol
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I respect Puffy, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, whatever you wanna call him.
Peace & Blessings
Relationships & Trust
Being bored one day, watching Cash Camp video, I came across the series of videos made by their producer- who has also produced the beat to 'That Gud', among other hot tracks of last year.
He attracted me because I found it funny that he looked so young- like maybe 12, and then when he opened his mouth, his voice made him sound like a grown man! hahahaha...
But anyway, his series was entertaining for a little bit, and then I came across this video titled 'Relationships & Trust'.
I watched it with a reluctant eye, and then gave him an open ear when I realized that we thought alike, and it seemed that he was pulling thoughts straight from my mind- around the words 'nigga', and 'hoe'...etc.
Listen to him...he speaks the real- that make you feel. No need to elaborate...it's all in the video.
Peace & Blessings
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Break Up {Part 4}
“See, ma…this is what I’m used to…
you let me say whatever, but you can’t respond, boo boo?”
“You know what, forget this, ma…
I’ll talk to you when you can finally gather your thoughts.”
I call honey dip up
to see if she can get up
She says scoop her at 8, I say “That’s a bet, mama.”
On the way I get a call from my ex
I ignore it, 'cause really I don’t need any more stress.
Get to shorty crib…pull up in the 7.45
At 7:45
Tell me why I see another car in the driveway?
I think whoa…she's not my girl- I cant call it cheating if she's with another
But what the hell do you call this if we're messing with each other?
My ex would never ever do these things…
Riding home I’m thinking, damn, how could I mistreat a blessing?
Oh, I forgot…I had a message
From the one and only…
Listened to it, didn't like what it said 2 me…
“The reason I don’t tell you how I feel
everyday, is because I feel that you already know the deal.
Why do I have to tell you over and over
that my love for you bubbles like vinegar and baking soda?
Why do I have to say again and again
that I have to be your girl, my love for you is too deep to be your friend?
Why do I have to repeat and repeat
That you’re the only person who makes me complete?
You wiped my teary eyes when I couldn’t see
Took good care of me when I was sick
Do you have to hear this all the time- I can't just show
that you can't just go along, trust what I say once
-instead you explode like a fucking gun?
Fine, go head, do you as I do me.
I’ll be okay when the pain is done piercing through me
Just know this…you lost something good
And since you couldn't handle me, I know somebody could.
Have a nice life.”
Late night call

He was proven terribly wrong.
Boooosssteeeedddd! lol
Derrick held it down and supported himself...
Honestly, I don't think I could have shot back answers like he did...
Actually, I know I couldn't.
I've been in this position before.
I was wearing my 'Obama for president' T-shirt, and a friend of mine asked me why I wanted him to be president.
I choked up...
I mean, I know why I voted for him! There are plenty of reasons... Random reasons besides the fact that he's much more attractive than the competition- in all ways.
But she just put me on the spot, and I felt really stupid afterwards. Thank God a friend of mine saved me, and started to argue with her...all the way off the bus.
While I just listened...
I felt so dumb...
Especially after seeing this video!
Derrick saw how much hype his video was stirring up, so he made a response...
Don't I feel even dumber...lol.
He's an inspiration to exercise my brain, I swear...lol.
Ever since I've watched this video, I've been doing just that!
So for all of you out there who're supporting Obama, but want some hard evidence, memorize these 2 videos!
Hope you enjoyed.
Peace & Blessings
There is strength in love...
I was having a nice conversation with my ex- girlfriend, and she told me she truly believed that you need another person to be there if you're truly trying to get over somebody.
It's amazing how much I disagree...
this whole time I've been trying to get over her without using someone else, because I believe the feelings I have for the 'rebound' won't be real, and I'd hate to hurt a woman by using her so I won't be alone, or lonely.
I've been fighting it out, not trying to get with anybody, and just trying to make myself better- so when I'm ready for another relationship, it'll be because I want one, and not because I just want someone there to fill the vacancy. I would no longer be hurting, so I wouldn't take out my pain and anguish on my other...
...My mind will be fresh, and ready for another battle in this war called love...
...the fight over hearts.
There is strength in love...
which is how I know I was truly in it.
When I should have hated her, I continued to love her, and when I should have been gone, I stayed around.
She could do something terrible to me, and I'd disregard it in order to be with her, because I knew how good we could be.
There is strength in love...
I guess this explains the late night call she received from some guy as I was sitting there helping her study.
The proof in the pudding...
she said it out of her mouth...
Usually you give people your number when you're interested in them...right?
There IS a such thing as a fake number, right?
She claims she's bothered that I may be getting over her...
no...I think she just wants the upper hand. She wants me to be miserable while she holds all the power she knows she has...
or had...
It's cool though, because he holds letters, and that's never good. They can enjoy their flings, and late night convos...soon it'll die down and she'll realize he's not worth it, because he's not me.
80/20 % rule...he seems like a better choice because he comes with no work...
But in the long run...
What a downgrade...hahaha.
But I aint trippin.
Peace & Blessings
Lucius McCall

It's 7:10 am...
Do you know what Lucius is doing...?
He got up at 6...
And he's sitting in front of a computer...
Guess yet?
It's registration time, and if you're a college student, you understand exactly where I'm coming from.
For some reason, registration this time around was at 7am, when it used to be at 9...
You can only ask God why.
So I get up early...drag myself out of bed...and head to the library- half a mile away.
I finally reach the library, and I see one of my good friends, Mr. Rich, along with dozens of other people waiting to start registering. I link up with Rich, and take a look around.
The Internet Cafe is open, and that's completely full with a waiting line.
I was planning on going to the second floor, maybe even the third, but to my surprise- a gate is pulled down to block it's way!
At the time, it's 6:55...
I needed to get to a computer- in five minutes- five minutes ago.
Rich starts to look around, and like the army man he seems to be, he spots an opening that can get us upstairs...
A rope used to prevent people from going into the library, and an elevator beyond that.
He started to go under the rope.
I laughed and told him to stop- I know how the librarians are. They're Nazis, I guess police academy rejects! If they caught him trying to sneak into the closed off area of the library, they'd probably have his head...
He looked around, and did it anyway. I told him that if he gets through, I'm with him.
Well what do you know? He gets by.
I sneak under the rope as well.
He pressed the button for the elevator, backs up, and remains hidden behind a wall like a CIA agent. He says the elevator will make noise, so we can't be near it.
I doubted the librarians would be paying attention, but I followed the orders.
First floor- going up, said the elevator...
smart move.
So we waddle to the elevator and try not to make too much noise, because we're at the point of no return, and also at the point of if caught...who knows what the protector of books would do to us!

Calvin couldn't have said it any better...
But anyway, we get in the elevator, and get to the second floor, where there is an area of ALL computers. It's where students go to do their 'computer stuff'...The floor where you DON'T go if you want to get work done.
The computers just call you...they whisper your name if you manage to walk past them and sit at a desk...
They call you...with a soothing voice...until you finally decide, hey...maybe if I get on the computer for a LITTLE bit, it won't hurt...I need to take a break between studying anyway- when you haven't even STARTED studying!
I know it's not just me...lol.
Anyway, Rich is about to exit the elevator, but I pull him back in and tell him not to. The librarian that we were dodging has a straight view of the second floor, and as soon as she saw us beyond that gate...hmph.
He said I was right, surprising, because when it comes to Rich, he's always right!
I smiled to myself as we headed to the third floor, where there was a computer classroom. I prayed that it was open, because unlike the second floor where the computers are available in mass, the computer classroom had a door- that could be locked.
We get to the third floor, ignore the talking elevator, and sneak up to the classroom.
"I hope it's open." Rich says.
Stole the thought from my mind.
I do the honors, and wallah(sp), the door opens!
"Bingo!" Rich says as we step in and turn on the lights.
It's now 7, and registration has STARTED.
I'm not sweating too much though, because there were dozens of children sitting downstairs waiting for a free computer- those without a laptop, or those who refused to spend the night in the library.
As I logged into the computer, rich was talking alot about bucking the system...and about how if I hang with him, I get free access, and blah...lol. No disrespect, but I was too focused on getting these classes. I was already behind the race.\
I log in, and try to add my first class, and....
System Error. You may register on- tomorrow?!
What the hell?! I wondered. Why??
I went to see if I had any holds- dues to pay the school that hold your access to your transcripts, and prevent you from registering...
Then what was the problem??
{Sigh}...as if I didn't have enough stress on me already.
ooouuusssssaaaaaa! (where are the blue berriesssssssss? LOL- JK! But seriously...)
If you're registering, good luck...I hope you get the classes you need.
As for me...it's in God's hands.
Peace & Blessings
P.S. At the end of the day, the next day I woke up early and didn't have to run to the library, because there was nobody inside the comp lab in my apartment complex...
So I sat there and found the classes I needed at times I wanted!
So everything worked out! :-)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Something Good
When God takes something from your grasp,
grace of God will not protect you.'
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
All around the world
-nah, I'm lying- shorty on my mind...
I dig into my pocket, all my money is spent,
but I don't even sweat, cuz shorty priceless...
I roll up, this is a hold up- it's young money
shorty make me smile when there aint a damn thing funny...
but still aint nothing move but the money
so baby if I move, we gon move with the money
which is my favorite dish,
but if I taste you, that'll probably switch..."
Ya diig?
The Break Up {Part 3}
Man, what a good question...
Everything I did with this other woman, I start to reget.
My girl wasn’t like her at all...
-she was the one I couldn’t ever wait to call
-she was the only I could sit with in silence, yet love it all...
for the one I like…how dumb!
Then the things the one I love used to do start to float
in my mind, so thoughts of being with her again start to choke
Like how she always thought negatively…
how she seemed bored, so I thought she’d rather be with someone “better than me”.
How I always had to tell her I that loved her first,
or playfully force it out of her…that was the worst
How she stopped saying it when we argued...
“Hello? Lu, baby u on the phone? Hello? Where are you?”
“Yeah, I’m here. Just thinking about the pros and cons of you
Then I’ll know for sure if I really want to be with you.”
“Baby, don’t trip- I’m just going through a phase,
“Well if you were in love, then that phase couldn’t exist!
You say you're scared to express yourself to block pain and hurt
I tell you how I feel about you everytime we talk
-how I love to hear you with no distractions, just laying in the dark
-how your voice could stop me right in my tracks,
and the sweet- berry love…turned to wine when I laid you on your back.
As time goes on, we get worse though...
and I can’t sit here and allow it to get any worse, yo!
I don’t trust you, you contradict yourself, and it stains my mind like blood do
And honestly, I’m starting to feel like I never loved u…”
Dunn Dunn
Shawty Lo doing big things!
I'm not going to front...I can see him on mad songs this year...
Why? I don't know...lol
Maybe it's the swagg...
Been feeling him since I'm da man though...
"Got no wife, but the white be my girlfriend!"-- Shawty Lo
The footage you saw today is the reason you will NOT see me in Bankhead unless I'm just driving by...lol!
Peace & Blessings
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Break Up {Part 2}
how's your life going, and how are things with your new man?"
"I don't have a man." she responds to my awe
"He was just a friend. What I told you was out of anger, I never wanted us to end."
"Then why don't you ever call?"
"What happens whenever I call? We have an arguement, and that's pretty much all!"
"Because you grunt when I call!"
"I have pride problems...to be back with you, I'll do what I can do to solve em."
"Pride problems?"
"Yes, I'm, stalling when I see that you're calling
-rush to the phone, pace before I pick up so I don't pick up wrong."
"I can't let you hear my voice so excited. So I front like I'm not sprung- I try my best to hide it."
I say..."Baby, don't you know that's what I want?
I want you, I want us, baby- I want this to work.
But this can't work if you're holding all that in,
'cause I could have sworn that you were done, that you were over me, man.
I ask questions constantly to hear your thoughts, I thought u were tired of it...
thought you felt I was a job and wanted to be retired from it."
"Whoa, boo...you got it wrong.
I actually love it when you ask me things- just so I can open my heart,
'cause I knew you would'nt hear it any other way from the start."
"Babe, why can't you just be real with me?
Open up, let me kno whats the deal, baby?
Hold on, someone's calling the other line."
it's the other chick, I tell her I'll have to chat with her another time...
to be continued...
The Break-Up {Part 1}
just not like her.
The things you do are good, but-
just not like her.
You dress sexy, but-
just not like her,
and when I think of wifey...
your face doesn't come up, but one
just like hers.
When I call, she tells me she wants me to
just like her.
You're messing up, and there are many other girls
-just not her.
I'm choosing, and they're choosing too;
many to choose from, and evidently my mistake was choosin you.
I used to smile when i saw you,
now it's like... whatever.
Butterflies when I heard you,
now it's like... whatever.
Actually I get depressed......shit, never
'Cause when I call you just grunt and be like...'whatever'.
But when I call her, she's excited,
asks question afta question, like "baby, what you doing?"
I can't tell her that
-but if this is true, why is it her that I pursue?
The names I used to call you start to slip into my vocabulary
'cause I loved you…
Calling her during the time that I should be calling you;
Her voice has me thinking things I'd do, that I shouldn't do.
Its not me, ma- it's you
Hold on, what?
Talking to who at the time u should b chattin 2 me?
Oh, F that, ma…I knew it was coming
So I guess this is the break up-it was already near
I'm goin my own way, have a nice life, dear!
It's cool, now me n her can be happy, be together...
Her and I can explore the love and lust we shared together...
I'm glad I no longer have to worry about your stress...... "
to be continued...
Quote that shall be quoted
Saturday, March 15, 2008
All Because of You
I saw this video today...
got chills.
I get chills either when something hits home, or when I experience talent...
This video and song was both...lol
I LOVED this song when it came out...I actually wrote a remix to it. lol
I forgot how it went...but it was recorded and everything...
This was my JOINT.
Been there.
"you the type, boo
make a player wanna wife you..."
Peace & Blessings
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My man O!
He likes hip hop...
He likes old school...
Everything he said, I couldn;t have said better myself...
"Art doesn't have to only be a rearview mirror...it can also be a flashlight to see where we're going..."
I'd like him to be my father...
or better yet, my president.
Peace & Blessings
Sex in Satin Sheets

That just rolls of the tongue so well…haha.
You like that?
Would you like to experience this?
I can take you there…
Sex in satin sheets…
Ooohhhh…just saying the words makes me think
mmm…just thinking about it makes me feel…
I kissing you, and you licking me...
baby, I'm willing to take you on this fantasy
Would you like to come? Well that's already been plan A,
and D...
Shhhh…calm down, baby,
slow down a little bit…
I'll take you there
- I promise, just give me a little bit
So much energy and yearn
- ousted from one hug;
Let's put together our ingredients
so we can make love...
mmm...sex in satin sheets.
Let me watch you take your clothes off
-slow, so I can savor,
then I start to kiss...lick...mmmm...
my favorite flavor...
I know you want to peek though,
to see the magic going on below
so I had to get a blindfold,
because you couldn’t keep your eyes closed
What an imaginaton...
How did we get hand bounds from pillowcases?
Sex in satin sheets...
are you wet yet, baby?
Hmmm….did you just say yes, baby?
This is what you wanted my lady,
So I came to tell you that your order’s ready
Do you want it nice, slow, and steady,
or do you want me to twist you up like spaghetti?
You say you want it slow, so I ease in like thisssss…
To the rhythm of Miles Davis.
We connect like a hand in a glove- such a tight fit
I’m feeling so secure as I slip through your lips
Damn, you’re dripping wet- you’re so warm
Instrumentals in the background- no words
I don’t want to hear love songs
I make the beat, and I want to hear your song
-I know you don’t sing, but just hearing you moan is music to me...
but even more sweet
I want to hear all of your instructions for me,
Because I want to know exactly what you’re wanting from me
Your legs close around me like a cage
-No way for escape
You say you're hungry for me
Well here's my Black Angus steak...
Slow strokes.
Sex in satin sheets
I pull your mane to my face- suck your lips like a last kiss
Concentration's the only way I'm lasting
You say you can feel me in your stomach, baby…
The funny thing is I'm not even near your stomach, baby…
You murmur you’re about to cum, so that’s one in
I flip you over, love the way we slide on this cool satin
I let you take control, now you’re bouncing hard on me
And it looks like we’ll have to do laundry…
Many women may want it, but this is only reserved for my queen...
Sex in satin sheets.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Drop- Top

The freedom you feel.
I love driving, which is why the day I got home, I jumped in my car, rolled down all the windows- even though it was FREEZING- and took a drive around. The cold air hit my face and swirled around the car as if I had my A/C on high. My hands were numb, but I really couldn't care less. It was great.
Driving is beautiful, and my car is as well, but...
I've always wanted a convertible...ALWAYS.
I wanted to at least ride in one before I died...
My first time was my freshman year in college.
I thought it was such a big deal, beacuse I feel that EVERYBODY doesn't ride in one in their lifetime...so it's like a privelege..lol. Some people will have something blocking them from the sky for their whole lives...
I'm weird, I know.
I also drove one of my friend's the other day...she needed a DD, and I didn't hesitate to help her out- especially when I heard her roof could be dismissed. I felt so good driving it...looking up at the sky...
Then I started to think of all the great things I could do with a convertible...
Like pick my lady up, and drive her to a field...
lower our seats all the way back...and look at the stars as we enjoy each other's company.
You know if you park in a parking lot, or go for a walk, there'll be things in the way blocking the stars...
But if you just drove to a field...and parked...let the top down and leaned back...
I'll add that to my dream list...lol.
Peace & Blessings
The BIG 2-0
It's scary to think about, but I'm about to end my teenage years...
In less than a month I'm about to be 20...One year above being a teen, and a year below being a true adult...
I feel I've changed alot...I don't like the same things I did a year ago, and I carry myself in a different way.
I don't do the whole party thing much anymore...the whole club thing...It's not really my stillo.
I'd rather go to a chill party in a loft with sexiness, classiness, sytle, and grace. I'd rather walk around and speak to beautiful women than jump around a mosh pit with sweaty men. I'd rather sip on a mixed drink, or a wine cooler than down shots and get pissy drunk to the point that I can't even control myself. Not that I ever DID the latter, but I'm just stating my feelings on it. I'd rather listen to lounge music than "Throw your motherfucking sets up nigggaaaaa! Fuck that bitch, watch her degrade herself while I waste this moneeeeyyyy!"
And before I even go to a party, I'd rather chill and converse with a few of my closest. Maybe watch a movie...
Converse on my bed with an interest over the background noise from Miles Davis and Chris Botti...
Watch a movie with a shorty...
Go for a walk...
And all types of fuckery!
Start watching this vid at the 3:59 mark...
"You's a wise ass?! Eh? Ya one a dem, who de ya foreign commit all de crime dem..an cum bac ere ta mash up de island! Wit all ya foreign style car jacking....
Peace & Blessings
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Why Lucius hates cops

I feel the police are there to help out, and they're the first people to call when you're in serious trouble, so why hate them?
911 is the easiest, and quickest (in some places) way to get service, so why dislike them...
...unless they step out of their squares?
One stepped out of his square today.
So I'm driving home from helping my sister move her house, been up since 9- just getting on the way home at 11pm...and I have NO GAS, due to procrastinating and lack of loot.
I mean, the light is ON. lol
So I'm driving, and I decide that I'm going to hit up the Kroger down the block to get my baby- Black Pearl- some juice to drink before she dies on me.
I get to Kroger and realize that it's closed! Ugh!
So I turn around and head back the other way- opposite my home to see if there is a gas station close by that i can fill up real quick...
I get to where the stations are, and realize they're closed as well!
what the hell?!
people don't get gas at eleven at night?
so i make a U-turn, and that's when i see him.
A cop behind me.
I already KNOW he's probably going to pull me over- just because cops have nothing to do in my area except pull people over, so i drive below the speed limit, and wonder if he'll pull a reason out his anus to pull me over. He follows me down the street, close behind- more than likely reading my plates.
I pull back into the Kroger, because I didn't have time to waste- either he was gonna pull me over, or he was gonna leave me alone, and I knew if he wanted me, he'd get me in the lot.
Well whadayaknow?
I pull into the parking lot, and the flashing lights start- no Kanye West.
I exhale hardly (I had a hard day, damnit! couldn't he bother somebody else?), pull to the side, turn my car off, and roll down my window.
Let's get this over with.
I'm waiting...and waiting...as they make you do, a bright light shining in my car, embarrassing blue and red lights flickering behind me.
All of a sudden another bright light turns on and shines into my car, and I see the pig standing to the left side of my car, but not by the window as normal cops do, he's away from the car, way beyond arms length. A fat, old, white pig. I look at him.
"How're you doing, driver?"
I smile, "I'm quite fine, and-"
before I could even finish my response, he says "step out of the car."
I thought of Rodney King.
I thought of the black guy they were searching for because of the death of the two white women last week.
I thought of me.
I step out of the car, and stand in front of him. He asks for my license, and I hand it over to him.
"What are you doing in the parking lot?" He scowls at me like he caught me doing something!
I'm taken aback, so I blurt out "Excuse me??" in the tone I would give a person who disrespects me, and I want them to repeat it to make sure they wanted to try me like that again...
"What are you doing out this late?"
I give the man a look like who the hell do you think you are? I'm minding mine! Shit! It's not even 12!
I suddenly remember the badge, and recall that once you get that badge, you're one of the Gods of the world...you can do whatever the hell you want- at least that's what they think.
I pause, get my thoughts together, and repond.
"I actually just came back from helping a friend move, and I'm heading home now."
He gives me the look of hate, and actually reminded me of a rich white man who wouldn't mind hanging me if it was legal.
"Where do you live?"
"I live down the street, sir."
"What street?"
"Ashewoode Downs."
This is where it gets FUNNY!
"Oh really?" he asks me with the look of an asshole. He shines his light on my license and shows it to me. "Does that say Ash_____e Downs?"
I look at my license, and sure enough! It says Ash_____e Downs!
"Yes, sir. It actually does say Ash_____e Downs."
He looks at the license again, and knows he looks stupid, but refuses to apologize or say he misread.
All of a sudden his radio goes off, and I hear my license plate, along with the name of my step-father- who owned the car when he was alive. The word 'not stolen' was in there as well among the static. I looked at him with an expression of disbelief. Was it REALLY that serious? What the hell was his problem?
He radioed back "Okay, meet me in the Kroger parking lot."
Oh no, I thought to myself. More pork on the way!
"Are you in school?"
"Yes, I attend Valdosta State University."
The same look remained on his face.
"Where do you work?"
I was about to tell him where until he muttered that he "just remembered I went to school."
"So you're headed home now?"
"Yes maam, my mother actually just called me." Yes, out of nervousness, I called him maam. I caught it after it already slipped out of my mouth, but I just remained looking him in his eyes.
F it.
What, he gonna arrest me for hinting that he held a lil bitchassness inside his skin that has no sweat glands?
"What kind of car is this?" He looks at my baby.
"A black on black Cavalier LS." I figured I probably had to throw the color in there, because he couldn't read...proven twice to me. Maybe he was blind...
Another squad car pulls up, and a black officer gets out.
Thank God.
He heads over to the side of the first pig, and the first pig hands him my license and asks him to "run it." The black pig leaves the side of the white one, and goes to his car to run my license (see my records) which is so clean it's funny.
Now if he caught me before I turned 18, maybe he woulda had some luck...haha.
Poor black cop 'yes a massa'ing.
He looks at me, and asks "So is there a reason you saw me and did a U-turn back this way, after just leaving this area?"
Don't you HATE it when people ASSume?? And don't you hate it even more when they're completely wrong?! I almost laughed at this stupidity.
"I was actually looking for gas, so I came to Kroger, saw that it was closed, then went down the street looking for gas, and realized they were closed as well. So I turned around and was on my way home. I actually didn't see you until you turned your lights on."
Damn lie. But cops lie all the time to get what they want. So...
The second officer seemed to loosen up realizing I wasn't a criminal, and he told me about how he did the same thing one night looking for gas- how he drove all over, so he understood.
Pink pig started talking to the other officer, and what he said really made me wanna tell him to audition for the Laugh Shack. He says
"I pulled him over because he saw- well I thought he saw- me in the parking lot and he pulled out, and went down the street then turned around and returned to the parking lot. I thought he was suspicious enough to pull over."
A black man driving a black car around is probable cause to pull him over and waste his time.
"So everything's fine?" the black officer asked.
"Yeah, we're done here." The pink pig said as he handed me back my license.
"You know there's a gas station down Sargeant Road, about two miles down." The second officer pointed in the direction. "I usually go there when everybody else closes."
"Thank you, sir." I smile at him.
Pink pig drags himself back to his car.
The second officer departs as he tells me to have a good night.
I say "thanks, you too." and enter my car.
I turn it on, and the gas light turns on as well.
F it.
I'd get gas tomorrow.
As I drove home, I wondered if he would have pulled me over if I was driving a beamer with a suit on...
probably not.
He pulled me over in my little black Cavalier, and when I stepped out of the car in a bubble jacket and sweats- my moving clothes- he immediately stereotyped me to be a criminal.
The world is what it is...
God bless that stupid pink pig.
Peace & Blessings
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mickey Avalon
I know you all have seen this commerical...
Some find it entertaining, some find it annoying...
and MOST wonder who's the white man at the end that they've never seen before. lol
"I'm that dude that got what you need/
eyes on the prize, picking up speed!"
Well I have tha answer for ya.
Mickey Avalon.
Who's Mickey Avalon?
Watch this...
LMAO! I like that joint, yo...
And this one...
"Rolex watch- but it's fake!
Gold gazelle glasses and a platinum chain- but it's fake!
Like your tits...and your eyes and your nose and your lips, and your brains!" lol!
I don't know about ya'll, but I like this cat. I love people that are different cuz they wanna be...because that's who they are, and they could care less about what people think. That's all him! I'm downloading the disk.
Peace & Blessings
P.S. since we're talking commercials, here are two of my favorites right now
The Magical Amounts!
LMAO @ dudley the dragon at the end! lol!
Yo-yo commercial
LMflyAO! that mess is just hilaroius
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A new turn on vending machines

MMMMmmmm Samoas.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
So I'm riding with my dunns (yeah, had to take it back to 98. Queensbridgeeeee! lmao) and we stopped at a Mickey D's before we went back to my mans apartment to play Rockband.
Rockband has to be one of the best games I've played in a loooonngggg time. Invest in it.
So we pull up to the drive thru, and we're trying to get our orders together, and we hear "Ay, hold on."
What happened to "Welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order?"
After a few minutes we start to say our orders, and the guy says that he can't hear us, so we should pull up to the window.
We pull around to the window and see this young man, a clean cut dude, respected for getting his hustle on.
I start to argue with my brother about who's paying for us while my best friend orders what he wants.
I turn to the guy to place my order, and he says, "For future reference, let us know when you got more than one order."
The heck?! This aint no luxury restaurant! There are no rules at McDonalds! I tell you what I want, and you give it to me!
Nuff said!
"Okay." my best friend says.
He doesn't end there.
My lil brother asks for a discount (he works at Micky's to), and the guy looks at us with a blank stare...i guess he was letting his mind work for another stupid thing to say.
I was right.
"What that supposed to mean? You get a discount? Shit, I wish it worked like that. I'd get mine!" He sneered as I gave him the debit card. What the hell was his problem?
It wasn't even his words that made me mad...
it was the tone...the facial expression...the attitude.
he definately had one.
I said nothing...I just tried to hold it in and examine the situation.
He hadn't said, or did anything too rude yet...No reason to trip.
I spoke too soon.
I was talking to my brother, and all of a sudden something landed on my lap.
I looked down.
it was the debit card.
The stupid boy threw the debit card through the window.
he trew the card at me.
I looked at him, and he held the same sneer as he took the next order.
"I said, can I take your order?"
Before I could think of whether I was gonna throw my ided tea at him, My best fried pulled off. We heard him yelling behind us...
"Aight, remember! Let us know if it's more than one order."
I sat there in awe...tried to form my thoughts together...I didn't know what to say or do, so I started a rant about how ignorant the guy was to the ethics of customer service.
As usual, my best friend took the side of the hoodlum.
"I don't get mad about things like that anymore. You have to expect that. You have to adapt." he said.
As if the treatment was normal.
Milah, if you're reading this, when we pulled off, I said I wished you were there...
cuz you would have broke his little heart for trying us like that...lol.
Man, I'm glad I held myself together. Because that was uncalled for.
I was about to backslide.
God bless him.
Peace & Blessings
Saturday, March 8, 2008
What in the WORLD?!
We're gonna deter away from that for a lil bit...haha.
Let's take a peek at the world.
First off...gas prices.
What in the WORLD?
I go to get gas, and they're asking me for $3.15- a gallon!
Whyyyyyy? Why must it be like $70 to fill up my tank, hmm?
I hear that foreclosures are at an all time high now, due to a mess up in loans, and things of the sort...
My mother says it's due to us still being in the war- it's ruining the economy.
May I ask why we're still overseas?
I mean, I support the troops, but I DO NOT support the war. Bring our troops home, damnit!
Bush refuses to pull us out, and everything is looking bad! Everything...
And this McCain guy, who's running to be the next repub pres (by the way, if he gets in, I'm packing up and leavvviiinnnggggg) says that he refuses to pull the troops if he gets into office. He says he's going to wait until the war is won, even if it takes 100 years- quote, unquote. He says he doesn't want people to look at America and say we backed down...wow. Just like a republican.
okay, so the innocent dying everyday for NO reason,
gas prices being disgusting,
the economy looking terrible, etc. is not enough to get us out, huh?
we're using TRILLIONS of dollas to fight this stupid, useless war. We can really put all that money towards something else that will change the world- for the better.
We have no more money for the war, so we're borrowing loot from China...
and we're allowing them to import things to us for free as collateral...
Therefore, they're sending over lead laced toys for our babies to play with, and dog food that makes our dogs sick...
real rap. Is it really worth it?
They say we're over there now to help them out with their government.
um...can we worry about US (get it?) for now? lol. we have TOO many problems over here to be trying to solve another countries'.
Wow, do I have a disdain for the typical republican...
like one of my damn roomates. ugh.
Isn't it said that the bigger man is the one who knows when to walk away- and does it?
Speaking of humility, Hillary is REALLY doing her witchcraft to try and win...but Obama is being really humble about it.
I had respect for her...but she's trying so hard to disrespect my man, O!
Basically...she's saying...in the middle of the night, who do you trust? This white woman, or this black man? hmmm?
What experience does she have regarding foreign policy??
they actually asked her that, and we just heard crickets...
her campaign is based on "I have the experience, he doesn't."
Obama's basically is "Even though you have the experience, at the end of the day you need to make the right choices!"
Clinton was running out of money, so she pulled 5 mill from her anus and gave it to her campaign to help out.
The question is...where did she get this 5 mill from? Tax returns were requested, and she refused to hand them over...gave excuse after excuse...
Hillary is spreading lies...and doing everything she can to win. Her and her husband are playing dirty...
I won't explain, because it'll take pages. Just know...they're not being fair.
Obama's advisor, Samantha Power, called Hilary a monster...haha.
"She is stooping to anything!"
call it what it is, baby!
Hill's even trying to help out McCain...anybody but O, huh? Saying she knows what she's doing and has what's needed to back it up, McCain has the same, and Obama "just has the same old sppech from years ago."
Obama says he's not going to allow himself to be pulled into a knife fight. That's what I call a real man (no homo). Pardon his back.
They ignore Hillary's Whitewater scandal, but they get on Obama because he smoked a lil weed when he was a teen? Come onnnn!
That's why he's so deep...haha. jk. I don't support that, but it's his past. leave it there.
Don't let the witch trick you! Vote obama 08!
Not for black power,
Not for white power,
Just the power of love;
The power of change.
We can do it.
I woke up today in Atlanta, and it was snowing- in March!
What in the WORLD?
The world is coming to an end...you better pray. lol.
Peace & Blessings
Friday, March 7, 2008
For wifey?
haha...no question!
I love Raheem...he has that 'ne0 soul' like sound...what I call real music...
substance- which is extremely hard to find nowadays.
Love Behind The Melody- That's that disk, baby!
Guys, if you don't know how to treat your woman, listen to the CD, and take notes! haha...
See me, I just relate to Raheem...haha. jk...
but not really...lol
He's going on tour with Jill Scott...
wow, do I choose the wrong times to be single...
I'd LOVE to take my shorty there...
Or, the J.Holiday and Trey Songz tour...
Or the Alicia Keys and NeYo tour...
ugh. life.
maybe I can go alone, and catch a glimpse of Miss Hollywood...what a coinky-dink that'd be...
I'ma need to post that poem so you can see what the heck I mean when I mention 'Miss Hollywood'...so you don't think I'm crazy. lol
Wow, do I get off topic?
Think- no, know I'm weird.
Peace & Blessings
King and Queen

Page 143

I wanted to read a specific page with her
No one else…
I wanted to share that exact read…
Page 143.
She started to read,
but was finished with that page
long before I was.
I found it interesting,
very complex- but worth the read.
She found it boring,
with big words that she refused to look up…
I told her to read it again; to analyze it more,
pull anything can from it that she could;
She wanted to turn the page
She let her eyes skim,
but I knew she wasn’t reading.
I pleaded with her to not turn the page,
for I was still reading.
She turned the page.
I turned it back.
She turned the page.
I turned it back.
She turned the page,
I held it up so I could read the page- and she could read the next…...
Seeing her enjoy the passages to come, I closed the book.
New Story.
Copyright © 2008 by Lucius McCall. All rights reserved
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Way You Make Me Feel
I heard this song yesterday, and it brightened up my day...lol.
I LOVE Mike...
This video is so much deeper than many may think...
I actually can't wait until I feel this way again...haha
Peace & Blessings